Income tax e-filing acknowledgement

E-filing is the process of filing your Income Tax return electronically through internet. E-filing of income tax return is mandatory for all companies which require statutory audit u/s 44AB. No other Income tax returns filing will be accepted for such companies. E-filing is basically of following three types:

  1. E-filing with digital signature. This process simply requires filing the returns electronically and then no further proceedings are required from the company’s end. E-filing with digital signature allows you allow you to generate and print your Income tax e-filing acknowledgement form directly without any further actions to be completed.
  2. E-filing without digital signature. In this case an ITR-V form should be submitted to CPC office via ordinary post within 120 days of e-filing. Once the document reaches the CPC office then only the filing process is completed.
  3. E-filing through an intermediately. This involves a third party who does the e-filing on your behalf and helps you with ITR-V form also.

This article will detail regarding the steps of e-filing income tax returns and Income tax e-filing acknowledgement as well. Step by step process of income tax e-filing is as follows:

  1. The first step is to select the appropriate e-filing mode that is selecting one option amongst the three mentioned above.
  2. The next step is to download the return preparation software for the selected e-filing mode. The software is different for the three modes so be wary and select the right software for your e-filing mode.
  3. Fill in your returns and then generate a XML file for the same.
  4. Register on the Income tax website and generate an e-filing login id and password for yourself. If you have problems with creating your e-filing id and password then visit , it consists of detailed explanation on creating e-filing id and password.
  5. After creating the e-filing login id and password login to the website and click on the form at the left panel and then select submit return button.
  6. Browse through your system and select the previously created xml file and click the upload button.
  7. After the upload of xml file successfully Income tax e-filing acknowledgement details will appear on the website. Click the print button for the print out of the acknowledgement or ITR-V form.
  8. 8.       If your e-filing is with the digital signature then the Income tax e-filing acknowledgement generation completes the e-filing process and the filer can keep the print of Income tax e-filing acknowledgement for future reference.
  9. 9.       If the e-filing is not with digital signature then after the uploading of the returns in the form of xml file an ITR-V form will be generated. This form is Income tax e-filing acknowledgement form or verification form. Take the print of this form and fill this form completely. Once the form is filled completely in every aspect then, send the same to CPC office within 120 days of e-filing the income tax returns. Sending the form to CPC office will complete the income tax e-filing process.

Now even you will agree than e-filing of income tax returns is not an uphill task. It is easy to e-file income tax return and it is easier to get the income tax e-filing acknowledgement. So if you are still waiting for it then it is the right time to go for it and e-file your income tax returns.